

Immunity is not just a trophy you get on a reality TV show. Immunity is absolutely fascinating and affects so many aspects of our life. In this class, we'll explore the battle of the bacteria, the virulence of viruses and the adaptation of fungus. Join me in this world of microorganisms and discover the ways that essential oils can protect you from the pathogenic effects of some of these organisms.

We'll look at some protocols for keeping you and your family healthy. Do you know that studies have shown that those who practice a proactive healthstyle experience far less sickness and sick time? That translates to an average of $200.00 per month in savings. 

Join us for this class at Sea of Bloom. Cost is $5 for attending to help cover cost of the space.

Event Properties

Event Date 01-14-2018 1:00 pm
Event End Date 01-14-2018 2:30 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price $5.00
We are no longer accepting registration for this event